Sitemap - 2022 - Intimations: A Writer's Discourse

Struggling to read

Blowing things off

What is success?

The Art of Finishing

The Power of Saying No

The Muddy (and Muddier) Middle

17 Perspectives on the Rough Draft

Taking a Trip—a Story Field Trip

The Character Kaleidoscope

Planning your novel? Or pantsing?

The Number One Top Secret Best Way to Writing Success

The Decision: Competing Story Ideas

Hark, did I hear a story idea?

Second place: A different kind of winning

For the love of words

Divine Dissatisfaction

... let there be rest

Goal check-in as a romantic date with yourself

Pushing glaciers


For goodness sake

Doing the hustle

For the love of it all

Revisiting the Rhyme

Bedwetters unite!

Being a loser

The journal as vessel of being

Trusting in the absurd

The hard sell

The special brevity edition that turned out to be too long

The previously undisclosed special secret to achieving all of your goals

Delighting in Delight

Because it just doesn't matter

Differently Think

The Special Poetry Month Edition

The Spirit of the Beehive

The Art of Passing the Time

The Special Junkyard Edition

Grabagging as creative process, lifestyle, and dinner

Walking with the dead

The Sacred and the Profane

Because I nodded my head, but I didn't hear you

Careening. And Control. Except Still Careening.

These Shoes Were Made for Prison

Syncopated Syncopations

Articulation Is Its Own Form of Protection

A Grab Bag of Trinkets, Flotsam, Jetsam, Doo Dads, Dad Doos, Rusty Objects, Found Objects, Attempts at Erudition, Haiku— and More (but not less)

Failed Resolutions Are the Most Important Ones